Kitchen cleaning

Goodbye Greasy Kitchen! Sumabrite Degreaser Is Here.

Getting rid of grease on the kitchen counter can’t get easier than this.

A regular day in the kitchen

Keeping the kitchen clean is a task that is easier said than done. Certainly, tackling the stubborn deposits of oils and grease on kitchen counters, cabinets and stove is monotonous, laborious and time-consuming. Commercial kitchens are no less than a racing pit stop. Food preparation in commercial kitchens often happens at a frenetic pace.

The staff in the kitchen tend to overlook the spattered ingredients and spilt oil. To add to this, the grime and dirt on the floor make the kitchen a bigger mess. Keeping the professional kitchen clean is not only a legal mandate, but it is also necessary to win customer satisfaction.

What makes a kitchen greasy?

Aerosolization. Wondering what’s this? The grease in the kitchen comes from the oil you use for cooking. The oil in the pans and utensils melts, heats up, evaporates and sticks to the surface of the kitchen counters, walls and chimney hoppers. These small droplets of oil spit up into the air and float in the air. This process is termed aerosolization. This aerosolized cooking oil sticks to the nearest kitchen surfaces and settles.

Depending on how frequently you clean your kitchen counter, the settled aerosolized oil builds up over time on the kitchen surfaces, leaving them with sticky skin and developing into grease. This grease becomes super sticky if we don’t wash the kitchen counter frequently with an effective degreaser. And, when it comes to degreasing professional kitchens, trust no one but Sumabrite Degreaser and Heavy Duty Cleaner.

Sumabrite — The only word in kitchen degreasing

Sumabrite Cleaner and Degreaser

Sumabrite is the latest offering within the cleaning range for kitchen operations from the house of Diversey Prosumer Solutions, a globally renowned name in developing commercial cleaning products. It is designed by experts who understand the cleaning challenges faced by professional kitchens. Sumabrite aims to tackle any cleaning challenge that arises during kitchen operations.

Moreover, Sumabrite Degreaser and Heavy Duty Cleaner is highly recommended and appreciated by professionals for kitchen degreasing. It is not just another kitchen cleaner; it is a super concentrate, high-performance cleaner cum degreaser designed for instant super degreasing. It is scientifically formulated to remove tough kitchen messes. Its alkaline actives break down fats, oils, and proteins found in grease and cut through the heavy build-up of grease easily.

Sumabrite Degreaser and Heavy Duty Cleaner is compatible with multiple surfaces in a kitchen, such as a chimney, tiles, floors, pots and pans and metal surfaces — stainless steel and aluminium.

Reasons to trust Sumabrite Degreaser

Diversey Degreaser and Heavy Duty Cleaner
  • • Acts on the grease instantly; degreases kitchen counters effectively
  • Removes heavy oil and greasy deposits from surfaces
  • Doesn’t corrode surfaces while degreasing; is soft on metal surfaces
  • Is ideal for cleaning the greasy kitchen floor
  • Saves cleaning time and effort
  • Doesn’t leave behind any scent

How to use Sumabrite Degreaser and Heavy Duty Cleaner?

If the grease or soilage is normal, use 20ml of the solution and dilute 1 litre of water. In case of heavy soilage, use 50 ml to dilute 1 litre of water.

Follow these steps to prepare the degreasing solution:

Step 1 — Dilute as required by soilage.

Step 2 — Fill the solution into a spray bottle, and spray onto the required surfaces. Scrub as required.

Step 3 — Wipe the surface clean.

For Pots and Pans:

Step 1 — Dilute as required.

Step 2 — Prewash, removing all food particles.

Step 3 — Soak and scrub as necessary.

Step 4 — Rinse and dry.

For Mopping:

Step 1 — Dilute as required.

Step 2 — Mop the area.

To Conclude

Maintaining the hygiene of your commercial kitchen is pivotal to ensuring the health and safety of your staff and customers. Dust and grease accumulated over the kitchen’s surfaces could pose severe health hazards and impact your business. It is beyond control to avoid the spilling of cooking oil from your ware to your kitchen counter during cooking. But you could always ensure your kitchen is devoid of grime and grease, with Sumabrite Degreaser and Heavy Duty Cleaner.

To help you ace kitchen cleaning, trust Diversey’s Prosumer Solutions. With a legacy of over 95 years, we offer revolutionary cleaning solutions and services, ensuring you consistently superior satisfaction.