Dishwashing Kitchen cleaning

9 Reasons Why Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwash Liquid Gel Is Perfect For Dishwashing

This liquid gel is a delight for both the restaurateur and the dishwasher. We tell you why.

Dishwashing is a tough job. It brings with it discomfort and unpleasantness. The dishwasher has to endure long hours of cleaning the stuck food on plates and stained cooking vessels placed in smelly sinks. The frequent bouncing of water off plates drenches the dishwasher, and the constant flexing of muscles makes them tired.

When it comes to choosing a dishwashing solution for your kitchen, you should consider:

  • The effectiveness of the cleaning solution
  • The comfortable cleaning process for the dishwasher

Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid Gel helps you meet both objectives. This blog explains how.

Get Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid Gel for your kitchen

Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid Gel is a concentrated solution that is formulated to remove grease and food stains from crockery, utensils and cutlery. We give you 9 reasons why it is perfect for dishwashing in your facility.

#1] 2X Cleaning power

Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid Gel offers enhanced 2X Cleaning Power (under test condition vs dishwash gel) that helps eliminate stubborn stains and grease from cutlery, plates, and utensils.

It is a scientific blend of mixed actives, special ingredients and lime formula that makes dishwashing effective, effortless, safe and quick. Now, no need to spend hours removing the stubborn stains stuck in your vessels.

#2] Spotless cleaning

Removing stains from dishes is good. Removing stains without leaving any scratches is excellent. Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid Gel cleans vessels without corroding them or scratching their surfaces. It is excellent for washing expensive and/or delicate crockery.

#3] Easy application ‘Grip & Squeeze’ action

Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid Gel is ergonomically designed to easily remove stains and dirt on cutlery, crockery and utensils. With its ‘Grip & Squeeze’ design, all you need to do is squeeze the bottle slightly to get the solution from the bottle and the rest is done.

#4] Environment friendly

The solution packaging is biodegradable. Thus, it serves as a low-waste-generating dishwashing agent.

#5] Pleasant fragrance

Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid Gel emits a pleasant fragrance with every wash. The tough cleansing is accompanied by a non-allergic and harmless scent.

#6] Cost effective

A small drop of this dishwashing liquid gel produces a lot of lather to wash several utensils in one go. It is light on your pocket for long-term use.

#7] Convenient storage

It is easy to store and use as and when needed.

#8] Mess-free cleaning

Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid Gel is packed such that it releases the gel in small quantities. There is no scope for bacterial build-up near the sink post-cleaning. Say goodbye to soapy and smudgy sinks while washing utensils.

Moreover, vessels washed with Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid Gel dry off quickly. You need not wipe the water droplets off the vessels, thus reducing your overall effort.

#9] No damage to hands

This dishwashing liquid gel is gentle on the hands. It doesn’t leave the hands dry and rough during washing utensils.

How to use Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid Gel?

  1. Take 1 spoonful of the gel and dilute it in a bowl of water.
  2. Dip the sponge into the solution.
  3. Scrub well.
  4. Rinse the utensils with water.
  5. Leave to dry off quickly.

To Conclude

Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid Gel is formulated specially to provide 2X Cleaning Power (under test condition vs dishwash gel) to help eliminate stubborn stains and grease from cutlery, plates, and utensils. It cuts through the grease, loosens the microbial contaminants and washes them off. So, it is perfect for heavily soiled and greasy utensils. Additionally, this dishwashing liquid gel is preferable for utensils that have come in contact with raw meat.

All in all, Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid Gel offers effective, easy and swift cleaning, is affordable and comes from the trusted house of Diversey Prosumer. Our products bear the legacy of 99 years of research and science-advanced formulation for high-performance cleaning at affordable costs.

Sumabrite Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid Gel’s scientifically-designed formulation assures superior performance and a delightful experience consistently.